Referat tumor testis scribd pdf

Leydig cell carcinoma is relatively refractory to radiotherapy and chemotherapy, and median survival of patients with metastatic disease is less than 2. Radiation oncologytestisoverview wikibooks, open books. Options that have been employed in previous cases include retroperitoneal lymph node dissection. Leydig cell tumor of the testis radiology reference. Malignant mesothelioma of the tunica vaginalis testis. Metastatic leydig cell carcinomas account for less than 0. Most common patterns are microfollicular and diffuse other patterns trabecular. We report a case of a newborn with a prenatal diagnosis of scrotal mass.

Epidemiology may present in both pediatric and adult males, depending on the histologic subtype. Jika tumor testis sekunder disingkirkan maka insiden tumor testis primer bilateral 1 2,8 % dari seluruh kasus tumor sel germinal testis. Juvenile granulosa cell tumor jgct accounts for about 5% of all prepubertal testis tumors. They are less common than leydig cell tumors of the testis. Louis, mo, usa department of pathology, washington university school of medicine, st. Tumor primer testis bilateral dapat terjadi secara berbarengan ataupun tidak, tetapi cenderung memiliki kesamaan jenis histilogisnya. Yolk sac tumor has also been known over the years as endodermal sinus tumor, juvenile embryonal carcinoma, embryonal adenocarcinoma, distinctive adenocarcinoma of the infant testis, testicular adenocarcinoma with clear cells, and orchioblastoma,14,15,16,17,18 current evidence has. Myoid gonadal stromal tumor american journal of clinical. Ileri evre testis tumorunde, international germ cell cancer. Its imaging appearance on ultrasound and mri is nonspecific, but clinically it is associated with serum hormonal imbalance.

Around half of all cases occur in men aged under 35 but testicular cancer rarely occurs before puberty. Kepaniteraan klinik tht rumah sakit umum daerah karawang fakultas kedokteran universitas trisakti periode 8 oktober 9 november 2012 lembar pengesahan 1 nama. Due to the rarity of these tumors, exact etiology, pathogenesis, prognostic factors. Oncotesticular sperm extraction oncotese from a single. After surgery, the histological diagnosis was juvenile granulosa cell tumor. Mixed germ cell tumour of infantile testis showing. Seminoma is the most common germ cell tumor in bilateral primary testicular tumors, while malignant lymphoma is the most common bilateral tumor of the testis. A rare case of primary carcinoid tumor in otherwise mature teratoma of the testis which occurred in a 70yearold male is reported. For a scrotal mass it is difficult to distinguish a benign or malignant etiology, in addition to the origin whether from testis or epididymis. The patient characteristics are age, race, and sex. Testis diliputi oleh tunika albuginea pada 23 anterior kecuali pada sisi dorsal dimana terdapat. Tumor testis biasanya berkembang selama masa pubertas, walaupun beberapa penelitian menyatakan tumor berkembang sebelum usia 10 tahun.

The tumor characteristics may include subsite, size of tumor, extension of the tumor, lymph nodes positive, distant metastases, and histologic type. Ppt referat torsio testis free download as powerpoint presentation. Tumor testis berasal dari sel germinal atau jaringan stroma testis. Testicular sex cord stromal tumors include leydig cell tumors, sertoli cell tumors, and granulosa cell tumors.

Well circumscribed, slow growing, non invasive, non metastatic. Sertoli cell tumors of the testis are uncommon sex cord stromal tumors. Testicular tumors are uncommon in children, comprising approximately 1% to 2% of all pediatric malignancies 14. Tumor ini mempunyai derajat keganasan tinggi, tetapi dapat sembuh bila diberi penanganan adekuat. Whereas granulosa cell tumors are typical for the ovaries. Nov 11, 2008 epididymal inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor, also known by various other synonyms is a rare benign disease. Primary bilateral tumors of the testis may happen synchronously or asynchronously but tend to be of the same histologic type. Alive dead alive or dead without tumor total from tumor other cause total per cent total 51 24 27 24 3 27 52. Options that have been employed in previous cases include retroperitoneal lymph node dissection rplnd. Dec 29, 2014 more recently, testis sparing surgery has been suggested as a safe and efficacious choice for patients with a testicular tumor of its diameter less than 2 cm.

It is the most common cancer in men aged 1544 years. In the prepubertal testis tumor registry, 11% of patients had a hydrocele at presentation, which may have been secondary to the tumor or coincidental. Unduh sebagai pptx, pdf, txt atau baca online dari scribd. According to ajcc, tumors confined to testis without lymph node involvement are stated as stage i. Neonatal testicular tumors are rare and should be considered in the differential diagnosis of newborn scrotal masses. Tumors of the testis, adnexa, spermatic cord, and scrotum. Anatomi dan fisiologi testis merupakan sepasang struktur organ yang berbentuk oval dengan ukuran 4x2,5x2,5cm dan berat kurang lebih 20g. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves. In the current study, only one case had a tumor that was less than 2 cm. Traditionally limbic encephalitis was considered in the context of a tumour paraneoplastic di sease with onconeuronal antibodies against in tracellular proteins. The latter mostly concerned infants and followed a benign course. Terletak didalam scrotum dengan axis panjang pada sumbu vertikal dan biasanya testis kiri terletak lebih rendah dibanding kanan. The adult type of granulosa cell tumor is extremely rare in the testis 46 cases have been described to date table 31.

Treatments for aggressive gcts are not well established. Risk factors include an undescended testis, family history of the disease, and previous history of testicular cancer. Diagnosis is typically based on a physical exam, ultrasound, and blood tests. Abstract a rare case of malignant sertoli cell tumor of the testis occurred in which the diagnosis was initially suggested on fine needle aspiration cytology.

Tumor testis free download as powerpoint presentation. Tumor limited to testis and epididymis without vascularlymphatic invasion. Myoid gonadal stromal tumor of the testis is an uncommon spindle cell tumor hypothesized to arise from peritubular myoid cells or intertubular primitive mesenchymal cells. Stefanie angeline 04084821719171 siti evi marissa 04054821719116 supervised by. Final diagnosis, the tumor was a malignant leydig cell tumor of the testis. In terms of occurrence patterns, oncotese in testicular cancer can be categorized into three types. Initial stages of malignant cancer may typically show benign growth. Leydig cell tumors see the image below are derived from normal leydig cells that produce testosterone and are located in the interstitium of the testis.

Testicular cancer is the most common malignancy that develops in men between the ages of 20. Start studying medical terminology ch9 male reproductive system. Other types include sexcord stromal tumors and lymphomas. Approximately 56% of all testis tumors are nongerm cell tumors of the testis. Diagnosis alphafetoprotein afp alphafetoprotein levels may be assessed by a blood test. Oncotesticular sperm extraction oncotese for bilateral. Scribd is the worlds largest social reading and publishing site. Case report metastatic granulosa cell tumor of the testis. Tumor testis merupakan keganasan terbanyak pada pria berusia diantara 1535 tahun dan merupakan 12% dari semua neoplasma pada pria. Germ cell tumors of the testis tumors of the testis. Leydig cell tumor of the testis radiology reference article. The most common presentation is a scrotal mass of variable duration. There are about 2,000 new cases in the uk each year.

Unduh sebagai doc, pdf, txt atau baca online dari scribd. Tumor may invade tunica albuginea but not tunica vaginalis. Bie van wiele tielt heeft bij routine klinisch onderzoek bij een hond testis knobbels gepalpeerd. Detection of occult primary tumors in patients with metastatic germ cell tumors17 or unex. Cancer survival among adults us seer program, 19882001.

There is evidence that the size of primary tumor, infiltration of. Alphafetoprotein afp is a tumor marker that is elevated in 6070% of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma. The rete testis radiates from the mediastinum testis to the surface of the tunica. Testicular cancer is a cancer that arises from a testicle testis.

Introductio testicular conclusion n torsion introduction. Referat primery bone tumors benign tumor neoplasms. Germ cell tumors of the testis tumors of the testis health. Insiden tumor testis pada populasi umum adalah satu dari 100. Histologically, reinkes crystals and capsular invasion by tumor cells were found.

Granulosa cell tumor gst is a sexcordstromal neoplasm of the gonads, more commonly arising in the ovaries, while approximately 80 cases have been reported in the testes. Ratarata 10% dari tumor testis berasal dari undesensus testis. The size of the tumor in the testis is irrelevant to staging. The presence of a hydrocele may delay the diagnosis of a testis tumor, and an ultrasound scan should be considered for any boy with a hydrocele in which the testis cannot be palpated. Granulosa cell tumors gcts of the testis are rare sex cordstromal tumors that are present in both juvenile and adult subtypes. Leydig cell tumor is the most common stromal tumor of the testis, followed by sertoli cell tumors. Testicular tumor undescended testis testicular torsion granulosa cell tumor leydig cell tumor these keywords were added by machine and not by the authors.

Pathology outlines mixed unclassified sex cord stromal. A 40yearold man was referred to our hospital with gynecomastia and painless swelling of the right scrotum. Not well organized, irregularly shaped, fast growing, infiltrative growth, metastatic. Figenshau 1 division of urologic surgery, washington university school of medicine, st. Intratubular germ cell neoplasia carcinoma in situ in situ, intraepithelial, noninvasive. Metastatic leydig cell tumor of the testis report of three. The majority of patients with prepubertal testis tumors present with stage i disease80% in the prepubertal testis tumor registry. Epididymal inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor, also known by various other synonyms is a rare benign disease. Out of these, 30 cases were of the adult type, while the remainder 50 cases were of the juvenile type. U, mars surgery departement faculty of medicine sriwijaya university rsup dr. Malignant germ cell tumor composed of primitive epithelial tumor cells recapitulating early stages of embryonic development. A malignant leydig cell tumor of the testis springerlink. In nonneoplastic testicular tissue, the seminiferous tubules showed sertoli cells with complete spermatogenesis, hematoxylineosin stain x10 b. Primary neuroendocrine tumor of the testis article pdf available in urology annals 62.

Adult type granulosa cell tumor of the testis with a. Ultrasound images of the scrotum showed an eccentric, predominantly hypoechoic vascular mass in the posterior aspect of the right testis measuring 2. Guidelines for the diagnosis and staging of testicular cancer. Epididimitis atau pembengkakan epididimis lain, hidrokel, atau tumor testis tidak memberikan sensasi khas itu. May 10, 2017 testicular sex cord stromal tumors include leydig cell tumors, sertoli cell tumors, and granulosa cell tumors. A leydig cell tumor of the testis is an uncommon testicular neoplasm. Clinical presentation and management anandmohapatra, 1 aaronm. The incidence testicular of torsion in males younger urological torsion is a emergency. Microscopically, the uninvolved parenchyma of the right testis showed fig. Erasmus, 2006 netherlands pmid 17158533 controversies in the management of clinical stage i testis cancer. Testicular yolk sac tumors account for 70% to 80% of prepubertal malignant testicular tumors and are the most common.

In broad terms, testicular cancer is staged as follows. In 2009, it was found in 2570 cases of malignant primary bone tumor, and 1470 of them died because this disease. Current experience on sertoli cell tumor of the testis sctt is insufficient to prognosticate the clinical behavior of the primary tumor on the long. Download as doc, pdf, txt or read online from scribd.

While most adult gcts are benign, those that present with distant metastases manifest a grave prognosis. Three types will be considered, namely, leydig cell tumors, sertoli cell tumors, and gonadoblastomas. The mediastinum testis has signal intensity similar to that of the testis on t1weighted images and is lower in signal intensity than the testis on t2weighted images. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Nongerm cell tumors of the testis tumors of the testis. Testicular cancer urology associates of northeast florida.

However, the incidence of testicular tumors in children is increasing, and associated morbidity has doubled during the last 40 years 4, 5. The testis is surrounded by the tunica albuginea, which has low t1 and t2 signal intensity. The tumor was surrounded by an incomplete, dense lamellar area. Adult granulosa cell tumor of the testis masquerading as. Due to the rarity of these tumors, exact etiology, pathogenesis, prognostic factors and best treatment approach are not well known. The remaining 60 patients were treated with high inguinal orchiectomy. Granulosa cell tumor of testis is a rare tumor accounting for less than 4% of adult testicular tumors though they account for nearly 30% of childhood testicular tumors.

The most common type is germ cell tumors which are divided into seminomas and nonseminomas. Education exhibits 665 mr imaging of scrotal tumors and. As a benign neoplasm, radical orchiectomy is sufficient for treatment. The incidence testicular of torsion in males younger urological torsion is a. Testicular cancer is categorized as being in one of three stages which have subclassifications.

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